"The Red Dogs"
Jean and Dave Sandle

Anne Marks, Cherry, Thomas and Keith Goodson

Roy, Joan and Georgia

Steve and Kerrie Stanton

Dave "The Plymouth Red" (Quizmaster)

John Hill and Jeannette

Reg and Dorothy Brown

"Swanny - How I Love Ya" from USA

"Ken Dodd's Dad's Dog's Still Dead"

"Meat and Two Veg"


"Tank", Amanda and Dave Morgan

The Lockharts - "Cunning Linguists"

More Dave Brown...

... cheeky chappie!

Drag Ass Team 2001 - "Dion's Disastrous 7"

John Yates and Bryn Morgan
(joint auction winners of Ben Olsen's shirt)

"Reigning Katz'n'Dogz"

Reg and Dorothy Brown and "that" shirt

Cherry Goodson wins a day on Trent FM

This year's Winners...

... "Ken Dodd's Dad's Dog's Still Dead"