21/07/1999 Bournemouth
3 - 1

Gareth Moore / Jon B
I missed the first 10 minutes, and Bournemouth's first 2 goals. Bournemouth were the better team for the whole of the first half accept for a short 5/10 minute spell during which Quashie got Forest's only goal. To tell you the truth even the goal was messy. As far as I remember, there was a scramble for the ball which came out to Quashie outside the area who blasted a wonderful shot into the top corner. Doig looked fairly good in the first half especially as he had to do a fair bit of covering for Chettle who seemed like he didn't really want to be playing. Beasant was very verbal (if he was the first choice keeper, I would say make him captain). Quashie looked up for the game, making some good runs and passes.
I agree he also made some poor passes but even then most of those were very good ideas poorly executed. I think he has got the most vision in a Forest shirt since Nigel Clough. Rogers suffered as a result of being pushed back to left-back. Bart-Williams never has a good game out on the wing and he didn't last night.
The team started the second half unchanged. After a while Gray and Guinan came on for Harewood and Palmer? with Gray playing on the right wing and Melton being moved into the centre of midfield. Bournemouth then changed their whole team apart from their striker. Other changes in the half for Forest were: Burns? on for Melton, Edwards on for Doig and Allou? on for Quashie with Allou playing on the left wing and Bart-Williams moving into the centre. Gray had a fairly good game down the right. Doig playing well until he was taken off (why he was taken off and not Chettle I will never know). Bonalair looked fairly good on times both going forward and defending. I think that Allou should have replaced Bart-Williams not Quashie. I agree Quashie was making more mistakes then in the first half but as I said earlier most of those were due to him trying to be too clever. He needs a good run the team, to get his match fitness to catch up with his brain
Chettle is not that player, definitely not these days anyway. And as for being captain no way. He is the most pathetic excuse for a captain I have ever seen. Last night I got to the game ten minutes late when we were 2-0 down, and for the remainder of the first half I didn't see/hear him say a single word. I don't know that much about football, but isn't a captain supposed to gee up his players when they are playing badly?
Forest Man-of-the-Match:


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