27/11/1999 Crystal Palace
2 - 0

Brilliant, dazzling, stunning, awesome, inspiring, monumental, superb, this is a list of adjectives I will not be using to describe the Forest performance today.
Miserable, pathetic, spineless, useless, crap, clueless, this is the list of adjectives I would use to describe the Forest performance today. Would use, that is, if I could be bothered to actually write a match report.
I look at it this way, if the team can't be bothered to go out and play a simple game of football, despite being paid thousands of pounds each for this very privilege, then why the bloody hell should I be bothered to write a match report and get paid absolutely bugger all. Most fans can accept their team losing if they actually put in a performance worthy of themselves. To just not care at all really hurts the fans, especially those that pay a lot of money to travel all over the country watching this mess. The away support at Forest has always been excellent, always there, always cheering, giving the best support they can to the team. Unfortunately the team don't seem to recognize this and so far this season have failed to put in any really decent away performances at all. How much longer the away fans can, or even will tolerate this treatment remains to be seen.
Time is running out, the games are disappearing fast now. Forest really do have to start playing when they are away from home. We aren't the best home team either, but we are atrocious away from home. Is it a confidence thing? Are the team at all interested? God alone knows what the answer is, but Platt has to do something and do it fast. Stern John may have arrived, he may have looked really good on Wednesday, against a very poor Portsmouth side, but how long will it be before he realizes he has made a mistake. He was probably the only Forest player that looked as if he cared on Saturday, and he's been at the club less than a week. Despite everything else on the pitch around him he still managed to put in a reasonable performance though. The only reason I have not awarded him the 'Stanno's Star' for this game is because to do that would lend some sort of credibility to the team performance as a whole - I just can't bring myself to do that right now.
Several people I have spoken to have said that Palace were not two goals better than us. Well, when the team watch the video of this game as I am sure David Platt will make them, they should take special note of how the Palace team (not the best team by any stretch of the imagination) played. They wanted it more than we did, they gave us no space to play, closed us down quickly, put crosses into the box. In fact they did everything we didn't do. To be honest I don't know if they were two goals better than us or not, I don't even care. What I do know is that they won and they deserved to win - end of story.
Forest Man-of-the-Match: Are you kidding?


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No.Player Scored Cards
 GRAY  Substituted    
 BART-WILLIAMS  Substituted    
 BECK  Substituted    
14 DOIG  Substitute    
 QUASHIE  Substitute    
 FREEDMAN  Substitute    


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