December 30 1999

Scimeca Back For Charlton: Riccardo Scimeca is on target to be back for Monday's game against Charlton at The valley. The captain had to sit out Tuesday's clash with Birmingham after going down with the flu. Platt is hoping the rest of his squad report back fit on Friday after telling them to keep away from The City Ground until then in the hope that the flu bug does not spread throughout the squad.

December 29 1999

Robson Targets Prutton: Newcastle boss, Bobby Robson, is rumoured to be interested in Forest's latest midfield star David Prutton. Prutton has only just made the break through into the first team this season and has impressed all who have seen him play. Robson is believed to have had the 18 year old watched on several occasions this season and likes what he sees.

Robson has refused to comment on any individual transfer target, only confirming that he's looking to sign players that will benefit Newcastle in the future.

Forest are extremely unlikely to entertain any approaches for the young star who definitely looks to have a very bright future ahead of him.

Smith Still A Target: Sheffield United striker, Mark Smith, is still a target for David Platt despite the blades rejecting his initial offer as derisory. Platt was not surprised by United's rejection of his initial bid and is understood to be ready to make a fresh approach. He will face some competition though as both Huddersfield and Bolton have also entered the race for smith's signature.

Smith's contract expires in the summer and under the terms of the Bosman ruling he is free to talk to other clubs from January 1. The striker has already told United that he will not be signing a new contract, so United's best hope is to cash in on the player before he walks out on a free transfer in the summer.

December 27 1999

Bristol City Still Want Edwards: Forest defender Christian Edwards is still on Bristol City's wanted list. City tried to sign the Welsh international earlier this season as part of the deal that saw Jim Brennan move to the City Ground in a �1.25 million switch. The Edwards deal collapsed when the player was unable to agree personal terms  However, City are still interested and could be ready to try again now that Edwards has resumed full training after a lengthy spell on the sidelines nursing a knee injury. Forest chief David Platt has told Edwards that he doesn't figure in his long-term plans, and would be willing to let the former Swansea star go for as little as �100,000.

December 26 1999

Blades Not Impressed With Bid: Sheffield United have rejected David Platt's �200,000 bid for striker Martin Smith. They have called the bid 'derisory', however, they have to be a little careful as Smith can the leave the club on a Bosman free in the summer and has already told them he will do just that. It is now going to come down to nerves, do the Blades hold out for more money and end up losing the player for nothing or do they cash in while there are bids on the table.

December 24 1999

Platt Bids For Smith: David Platt has put in a bid for Sheffield United striker Martin Smith. The striker is out of contract at the end of the season and has made it clear that he intends to leave on a Bosman free. The Blades want to cash in on the player before that happens though and it is thought that they would be willing to accept a bid in the region of �200,000. 

Platt will face competition from First Division rivals Huddersfield and Bolton who are also believed to be after the man who has scored 13 goals so far this season. It is not known what figure the manager has tabled but an offer has been made and Platt is waiting to hear from United.

December 22 1999

Petrachi On The Mend: Gianluca Petrachi is  recovering quickly from his hernia operation and is raring to get back into full time training. If his recovery keeps up he will be looking to make his comeback very early in the new year.

Striker Search Continues: With yesterdays news that Gordon Durie had turned down the offer to come and play at The City Ground, David Platt must now step up his plans to bring in another striker as soon as possible.

Current candidate for the role, according to the press, is out of favour D*rby striker Dean Sturridge.

December 21 1999

Durie Was The One: Rangers Striker Gordon Durie has turned down the chance of joining Forest on loan, deciding to stay and  fight for his place in Dick Advocatt's squad.

Booth's Mission to Trawl Grimsby: Dennis Booth, Forest's assistant manager has been attending a lot of Grimsby games recently. Some people have been daft enough to think that that it is the high octane football played by the Mariners that has attracted his attention, but those in the know, know that he is actually there watching Danny Butterfield, the Mariners right back. Butterfield, 20 this year, has only made the step up to first team football this season and has been receiving rave reviews; he has just  won his first ever "player of the month" award for November. He is also being watched by several other clubs, including a few from the Premiership.

December 20 1999

Striker Identity a Secret: David Platt is refusing to reveal the identity of the "vastly experienced" striker he is trying to bring in on loan.

The boss wrote in his program notes for Saturday's game with Crewe that he had been working hard to bring a new man to The City Ground. He is still hoping to secure the services of a new front man to add to the current line-up of John, Freedman and Harewood.

December 14 1999

More Injury Worries For Forest: It looks like the injury crisis is getting worse for Forest. The latest casualties are Chris Doig, Gareth Williams and Thierry Bonalair.

Chris Doig may be available for Wednesday's game against Fulham as he is recovering from a bout of flu, however, Bonalair and Williams both picked up knocks in training and are likely to miss the game. Bonalair has a leg problem and Williams has slight damage to knee ligaments.

Matthieu Louis-Jean, Salvatore Matrecano, Gianluca Petrachi and Jesper Mattsson are all sidelined with injury and Andy Johnson will miss the game as he is serving a three match suspension. 

December 12 1999

Chettle To Complete Move To Barnsley: There is speculation today that Steve Chettle is to make his current loan deal at Barnsley permanent within the week, well ahead of the end of his loan period.

December 9 1999

Platt's Future Getting Dimmer All The Time: The papers are full of it today - Apparently David Platt has been given three games to sort out Forest's problems. It is believed that Forest chairman Eric Barnes and  Nigel Doughty have given Platt the ultimatum.

Forest play Oxford in the FA Cup on Friday and then have two crucial home games, next Wednesday against Fulham and on Saturday against Crewe. Whilst it is thought that disappointment in the FA Cup will be tolerated, defeat in the other two games could spell the end for Platt.

Platt has seen his team lose six out of the last seven games, and his team have only won five games out of 21 league games played, leaving Forest in their lowest league position for nearly forty years. The fans have been bitterly disappointed by the form and have started to vote with their feet, gates have dropped to around the 15,000 mark, the lowest for well over a decade.

David Platt commented to anyone listening: "I'm not sure if I still have the fans' backing but I still back myself to get things right. The last month or so has been especially bad and six defeats out of seven is unacceptable."

December 7 1999

Platt's Future Not Bright: If you believe all you read in the papers then David Platt's future at Nottingham Forest looks bleak. The team have now lot six out of the last seven games and are only one point clear of the relegation zone. The next game is the FA Cup third round game against Oxford City at The City Ground on Friday 10 December and If you take the tabloid press seriously then should Forest fall at this hurdle Platt will be on his way.

Despite the press speculation, Eric Barnes appeared on a Radio Nottingham phone-in last night and gave his manager the all important vote of confidence.

December 6 1999

Crossley's Future In Doubt: There is increasing speculation regarding Mark Crossley's future at Forest. The speculation still concentrates on the possibility of a swap deal with Sheffield Wednesday. Both clubs have denied any such deal. However, speculation is rife in the tabloids today after Mark Crossley was dropped for yesterday's game against Ipswich.

David Platt has made it clear on several occasions now, that despite 'Norm's' rejection of Forest's initial contract offer, he does not want to sell the keeper.

Mark Crossley is also very keen to stay at the club where he has been, apart fro a couple of short loan spells, for all of his playing career.

December 5 1999

Le Tiss Miss: David Platt is rumoured to have attempted to bring Southampton's midfield ace, Matthew Le Tissier to The City Ground on a month's loan. The deal has apparently been blocked by Southampton.

Le Tissier is unhappy at The Dell due to his lack of first team action and has suggested to Dave Jones, the Southampton manager, that a loan move may help him get his career back on track.

December 4 1999

Shock Recall For Woan: Ian Woan was told last week that he had no further part to play in Platt's plans for Forest and he could leave on a free transfer. However, the ever deepening injury and suspension list in midfield means Woan could be called up to play a part in Sunday's game against Ipswich.

December 1 1999

Quashie Back In: It looks like Nigel Quashie will be given the nod for Sunday's match against Ipswich at The City Ground. Quashie lost his place in the team after receiving a three match ban for his sending off at Sheffield United. However, Andy Johnson starts his three match ban this week after being sent off at Tranmere and Platt has been impressed with Quashie's efforts in training. 

Striker Is Still A Target: David Platt has confirmed in today's Nottingham Evening Post that he is still interested in Cambridge Striker Martin Butler. However, with the recent arrival of Stern John he is not planning a move for the player.


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